IUGS E-Bulletin #199 (August 2023)

Want to know what the world’s premier international geoscience organization is up to? Then check out the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS) e-Bulletin for August 2023!! https://www.iugs.org/_files/ugd/f1fc07_ed17ade28ef847748a5a1d56cea88fce.pdf?index=true. The Bulletin includes news from the IUGS Journal Episodes, the International Subcommission on Cretaceous Stratigraphy, travel awards and opportunities for young scientists, articles from IUGS Young Reporters, news from the Commission on Geoethics, Forensic Geology, COGE, and more! #IUGS #IUGSBulletin #YoungReporters #Geoscience #COGE