Geoscience Education Resources

Note: as of September 2023, this page is undergoing edits to improve the quality and quantity of GeosciEd Resources provided to you by COGE. As such, please be patient if not all links are in working order. If you have suggestions for additions or edits to this page, please contact Scott Miller (

GeosciEd Resources in English and Other Languages are categorised as mainly useful for Primary teachers (P), Secondary teachers (S), Tertiary teachers (T), and/or General Public outreach (G). Some resources may have more than one category.

GeosciEd Journals

Episodes (IUGS)

Geologicamente (Italian Language, Italian Geological Society)

Journal of Geoscience Education (NAGT)

Enseñanza y Comunicación de las Geociencias (Spanish Language, Centro de Geociencias de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México)

GeosciEd Resources (Non-English)


Earth Science Magazine (P, S, in Spanish)

Planeteando (in Spanish)

Experiments to Understand Earth (P, S, T, G in English, Italian, French, German, Chinese, and more)

YouTube Channels

Sociedad Geológica de España (in Spanish)

IAPG Peruvian Section (in Spanish)

LAIGEO (in Spanish)

Textbooks and Coursework

IGEO Exploring Geoscience across the globe (in English, Spanish, Portuguese, Japanese, and Turkish) (P, S, G)

Groundwater (Freeze and Cherry + Hydrogeologists without Borders)  (English, Arabic, Mandarin, Spanish, French, Italian, and Portuguese) (T)

Online Diploma in Earth science education – UNAM  (in Spanish)

Social Media

GeosciEd Resources (English)


AGU Eos Engage


Earth Educator Story (IGEO)

Earth Learning Idea (ELI) (P, S)

Education GeoSource (AGI)

ENGIE Project

Geologize Paid GeoSciComm Trainings

Geology Online Lab Activities: An Open Educational Resource for Community College Students and Instructors

Geoscience Education Survey (IGEO)

GSA K-12 Educator Support (P, S)

GSA Online Education Resource Guide

PhET Earth Science Simulations

eRock (open source repository of digital outcrops)

MicroMyEarth (G)

MIT OpenCourseWare on Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences

Science Education Resource Center at Carleton College (SERC)

Geocognition Research Laboratory

UNESCO Geoscience in Africa Survey

USGS Educational Resources

YouTube Channels

PBS Eons

Arizona Laserchron Center

Earth 2 Class Workshops

Earth Rocks!

Geology Johnson

GeoScience Videos


IRIS Earthquake Science


JpGU (Japan Geosciences Union)

MagNetZ (seminars in Earth Magnetism)

Robert Lopez (Teaching)

School of GeoSciences (University of Edinburgh)

Shawn Willsey (Teaching)

UTD Geoscience Studio

Virtual Seminars in Precambrian Geology


Textbooks are organized by subject area and can also be found at, OpenStax, and University of Minesota Open Textbook Library – Earth Science Textbooks, among other locations.

Introductions to Earth Science (S, T)

Earth Magnetism (T)

Historical Geology (S, T)

Hydrogeology (T)

Mineralogy/Petrology (T)

Earth Data Science/Surveying

Space Science

Social Media

Geoscience Network (Facebook) (G)

Sketch of Geology (Facebook) (G)