Highlights from Our Poster Session at AGU 2023

Last week at the AGU 2023 Fall Meeting was remarkable!
Our poster session included five projects, with each presenter brining unique insight for international geoscience education. It was incredible to see geoscientists and educators worldwide coming together, sharing insights, and learning from each other.
The titles poster presentation from our session are listed below, and full abstracts are in this link: https://agu.confex.com/agu/fm23/meetingapp.cgi/Session/191787.
ED33E-0964 1st Student Conference on Climate Change in Brazil (Michael J Passow)
ED33E-0965 Gauging the Impact of an International Geosciences Internship Program for Undergraduate Students (Sebastian Tappe)
ED33E-0966 Exploring Social Media Engagement to grow an International Geoscience Education Organization: The case of the IUGS Commission on Geoscience Education (COGE) (Sandra Villacorta)
ED33E-0967 GEOPAths in El Salvador: An International Experience to Recruit and Retain Undergraduates in the Geosciences (Sharon M Locke)
ED33E-0968 Interactive Understanding of Groundwater Hydrology and Hydrogeology – the iNUX Project (Thomas Reimann)
ED33E-0969 The NASA Living With a Star Heliophysics Summer School: A New Model for Broadening Participation in Research Summer Schools (Nicholas A Gross)