Education Resources

Note: Resources are categorised as mainly useful for Primary teachers (P), Secondary teachers (S), Tertiary teachers (T) or General Public outreach (G). Some resources may have more than one category eg: (S, G)

Books and documents online

Exploring Geoscience Across the globe (P, S)
International Geoscience Syllabus (P, S)

USGS Education (P, S, T)

Earth Learning Idea (P, S)
Geology Degree (S, T)

Micro My Earth (G)


Facebook Pages

Sketch of Geology (G)


ResearchGate Projects

Promoting the Improvement of Geoscience Education Worldwide


Useful Links for Geoeducation Researchers

Journal of Geoscience Education

EIGER: European Integrated Geoscience Education Research network (a LinkedIn group)

GSA Education Resources

IGEO Geoscience Education Survey

Links to the geoscience community of educators

EGU Field Officers

Geoscience Education Field Officers Program
IGEO My Earth Science educator story

Useful links to other organisations

European Geosciences Union (EGU)

AGU Education Section

ENGIE Project

International Geoscience Education Organisation (IGEO)

Teacher Earth Science Education Program (TESEP) - Australia

Education Resources in other languages

Earth Science Magazine (P, S, in Spanish)

Planeteando (in Spanish)

Experiments to Understand Earth (P, S, T, G in English, Italian, French and German)

Geoeducation Research

Online Diploma in Earth science education - UNAM  (in Spanish)

Geologicamente (in Italian)